SMSI’s expert engineering services play a pivotal role in aiding our clients, which include prestigious entities like the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), and the National Laboratories, in surmounting mission challenges.
Our multifaceted approach towards project engineering and engineering management provides streamlined design integration to transform client requirements into pragmatic, realizable solutions.
Comprehensive Task Solutions:
Expert staff with a focus on a broad spectrum of project types from concept to operations.
- Support nuclear, research and development (R&D), institutional, utility, and industrial facilities and systems.
- Licensed professional engineers, boasting diverse disciplines including civil, structural and architectural, chemical, nuclear, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and controls, designers, and more.
- Subject-matter experts, such as certified industrial hygienists and certified health physicists, construction engineers, seismic experts, and others to ensure customers’ needs are met.
Expert Capabilities:
- Feasibility and Conceptual Studies
- Systems Engineering and Requirements Management
- Digital Engineering/Automation
- Engineering Management/Project Engineering from concept to operations
- Design Integration
- Independent Reviews/Engineering Technical Evaluations
- Facilities Engineering/SME support
Relevant Experience:
- Providing Project Engineering support to LANL ALDPI/LAP4 and SRPPF Mission needs.
- LANL and SRS: Provide Subject Matter Experts in critical engineering needs (e.g., Seismic Analysis, Process System Design, Procurement Engineering, etc…).
- ORNL: Provide SME and Designer support to support various mission labs.
- DOE Portsmouth Paducah: Extensive technical and engineering expertise provided to support mission activities.
- Y12: Provided engineering program management analyses to support improved project execution.
- WRPS: Provided engineering technical reviews and evaluations of major procurement/project initiatives.
Proven Value & Benefits:
- SMSI’s engineering services encompass a comprehensive spectrum, merging project engineering and design integration to provide our clients with innovative, efficient, and reliable solutions that address the complex challenges.